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About Us

What else do we do?

Well, quite a lot really! Here's some of it...

For everyone who asks receives; those who seek find; and to those who knock, the door will be opened. 

The Ministry Team

Rev’d Wendy Mallas (Anna Chaplain)       

Tel: 07860 815806 email:


Davina Hudson (Senior Churchwarden)            

Tel: 01420 475764


Stephen Jolliffe (Churchwarden)            

Tel: 07890 494189


Leonie Sadler ACMA (Treasurer)

Tel: 01420 768498 email:


Jenny Wilkinson (Safeguarding)

Tel: 01420 489513


Gemma McDonald (Admin)  


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We have a lively and enthusiastic team of bellringers, and new members are always welcome.

We practice on Friday evenings.

For more information, contact our Tower Captain Valerie Harris on 07857 279865

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St Matthew's maintains a traditional robed four-part choir.

We practice on Friday evenings from 6.45pm, and new members are always welcome.

For more information, contact our Choir Master Robin Helliwell on 01420 473427

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Soup Cafe

Volunteers run a friendly Soup Café  at Whitehill Village Hall on Mondays 12pm to 2pm.

You are welcome to come along socially, or volunteer to help as part of serving our community. For more information, contact Davina on 01420 475764

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Church Cafe

Our hardworking volunteers run a friendly Church Café  in St. Matthew's Church on Friday mornings 10am to 12pm.

You are welcome to come along for coffee and cake, or volunteer to help. For more information, contact Davina on 01420 475764


Donkey Group

A friendship group, meeting every Thursday evening for company, food, wine. Also the organisational hub for social and fundraising events.

For more information, contact Jilly on 01420 487647



Try our mother and baby group, held here in the Church. We hold it on Wednesday mornings 9.30am to 11am, term time only and it is open to all parents and carers.

Why not come along and give it a try, you'd be most welcome.

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St Matthew's Church, Blackmoor and Whitehill



Church address: 

Honey Lane (off Drift Road)


GU33 6BS

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© St Matthew's Church 2021 


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