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Can you help

St Matthew's Church?



Give light, and the darkness will disappear of itself.

Desiderius Erasmus

Parish Giving Scheme

Parish Giving Scheme

The Parish Giving Scheme is a great way to help your church. You can choose the amount you pay, and whether Gift Aid can be claimed. If you wish, you can donate anonymously, and the amount you donate can be increased each year in line with inflation. 

You can download explanatory leaflets here: 

Giving to your church through the Parish Giving Scheme

A better way to help your church

Please contact us if you would like an application form. 

Standing Order

This is another great way of giving regularly to the church, and we can claim 20% Gift Aid if you complete a declaration.  Click here to download an application form. 


In Person

When you come to a church service, you can put cash in the collection plate. Better still, use a yellow envelope which you will find in the pews, and we can claim an extra 20% Gift Aid.

If you pop in when there's no service, there's a safe on the wall where you can leave your donation. You can download a Gift Aid application form here if you'd like to. 

This was the altar

Church Restoration

now complete

For many years we have been aware that the floor at the east end of the church had been sinking, causing the steps to crack as the floor slowly moved. Without action, this could have caused major structural problems in the future.

During the first half of 2020, the entire chancel area was dug up and strengthened from below, and the church restored, both in strength and in beauty.

Read more here.





St Matthew's Church, Blackmoor and Whitehill



Church address: 

Honey Lane (off Drift Road)


GU33 6BS

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© St Matthew's Church 2021 


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